Support the Illinois Academy of PAs and your PA colleagues across the state by submitting a witness slip:

Click Here to Submit a Witness Slip

A few notes about filling out the slip:

Section 1: under firm, you can write your employer’s name or self

Section 2: you can write Illinois Academy of PAs

Section 3: click PROPONENT

Section 4: click “record of appearance only”

What is This All About?

The proposed legislation will remove the unnecessary administrative requirement of a written collaborative agreement and return the decision of PA scope to the practice level. Hospital-based PAs are already granted this privilege, but we need to extend this flexibility to PAs everywhere. This is NOT INDEPENDENT PRACTICE! PAs need and want to work collaboratively with physicians and other providers, but we are the ONLY healthcare providers currently statutorily required to tether to a physician to practice.

We also need to achieve parity with our APRN colleagues who have had this ability to work and practice without being tied to a specific physician for more than five years in the State of IL.